Nonholonomic frames for Finsler space with deformed infinite series of (α,β) metric

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Mathematics, L. D. College of Engineering, Ahmedabad, Gujarat-380015, India.

2 Department of Applied Sciences, Buddha Institute of Technology, GIDA Gorakhpur, U.P., 273209, INDIA


The purpose of present paper to determine the Finsler spaces due to deformation of special Finsler  (α, β) -metric. Consequently, we obtained the non-holonomic frame with the help of α2=aij(x)yiyj, one form metric β=bi(x)yi and infinite series of (α, β) metric such as the forms I. ( β4 /(β-α )2 ) + α2 =F12+F22  i.e. sum of the square of infinite series of (α, β) -metric and square of Riemannian metric  II. ( β4 /(β-α )2 ) + β2 =F12+F32 i.e. sum of the square of infinite series of  (α, β) -metric and square of 1-form metric.


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