Weakly linear homomorphisms in skew boolean modules

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Mathematics, Addis Ababa University, P.O.Box 1176, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

2 Department of Mathematics, Dr.Lankapalli Bullyya College of Engineering for Women, Visakhapatnam, India


In this paper we introduce the notion of linear, weakly linear and strongly linear homomorphisms between two Skew Boolean modules and obtain various properties. We also introduce a scalar multiplication on the set of all weakly linear homomorphisms (wHom(V, W)) and prove that (wHom(V, W)) is again a Skew Boolean module . Further We show that the set of all strongly linear homomorphisms (stHom(V, W)) is a sub Skew Boolean module of wHom(V, W).


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