Fuzzy weakly prime Γ-ideals in Γ-rings

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Mathematics, University of Yildiz Technical University, P.O.Box XXXX, Istanbul, Turkey

2 Y?ld?z Department of Mathematics, University of Yildiz Technical University Istanbul, TurkeyTechnical University

3 Department of Mathematics, University of Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey

4 Department of Mathematics, Yildiz Technical University, 81270 Istanbul, Turkey


In this work, we investigate fuzzy weakly prime Γ-ideal, fuzzy partial weakly prime Γ-ideal and fuzzy semiprime Γ- ideal of a commutative Γ-ring with nonzero identity. We obtained some characterizations of fuzzy weakly prime Γ-ideal, partial weakly prime Γ-ideal and semiprime Γ-ideal of a Γ-ring. Also some properties of these concepts have been studied.


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