Soft intersection abel-grassmann’s groups

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Mathematics, University of Malakand, Chakdara Dir Lower, KP, Pakistan

2 Department of Mathematics, University of Malakand, Chakdara Dir Lower, KP, Pakistan.

3 Department of Mathematics, University of C¸ ankırı Karatekin, 18100, C¸ ankırı, Turkey.


This paper is a bridging among soft set theory, set theory and AG-groups, in which soft intersection AG-group (abbreviated by soft int-AG-group) is defined and investigated. The concept of soft int-AG-group is further extended to define the notions of conjugates soft int-AG-group, normal soft int AG-group, e-set and α-inclusion of soft int-AG-groups. Various properties of these notions are investigated and supported by relevant examples that are produced by GAP.


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