On the generalization of torsion functor and P-semiprime modules over noncommutative rings

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Mathematics, Addis Ababa University

2 The Namibia University of Science and Technology, Namibia


Let R be an associative Noetherian unital noncommutative ring R. We introduce the functor PΓP over the category of R-modules and use it to characterize P-semiprime. P-semisecond R-modules also characterized by the functor PΛP. We also show that the Greenless-May Duality (GM) and Matlis Greenless-May Equality(MGM) hold over the full subcategory of R-Mod consisting of R-semiprime and R-semisecond modules. Finally, we generate a one-sided right ideal PΓP(R), which gives an equivalent formulation to solve K{\"o}the conjecture positively or negatively.


Main Subjects

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