An elliptic-eccentric sombor index of graphs and its chemical applicabilities

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Mathematics, Jnana Bharathi Campus, Bangalore University, Bengaluru, India

2 R V University, Bengalore, India


Recently, Gutman et al., \cite{gfs} introduced the concept of an elliptic Sombor index of a graph. Based on their work, in this paper we initiated the distance (particularly, eccentricity) based graphical indices called an elliptic-eccentric Sombor index of graphs. Here, we compute the exact values of a certain class of graphs. Also, some inequalities and characterizations in terms order, size, degrees, radius, diameter and other graphical indices are obtained. Further, we obtained the comparative analysis of molecular graph of Heptane isomers.


Main Subjects

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