On the generalization of pseudo p-closure in pseudo BCI-algebras

Document Type : Review paper


1 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematical Sciences and Computer, Shahid Chamran Unevesity of Ahvaz

2 Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences, Payame noor University, Tehran, Iran


In this paper, the notion of generalization of pseudo p-closure, denoted by gcl, is introduced and its related properties are investigated. The gcl of subalgebras and pseudo-ideals is discussed. Also, a necessary and sufficient condition for an element to be minimal; and for pseudo BCI-algebra to be nilpotent are given. It is proved that the set of all nilpotent elements of a pseudo BCI-algebra A, denoted by NA, is the least closed pseudo-ideal with the property gcl(NA)=NA
Finally, it is shown that the mentioned notion, as a function, defines a closure operation on pseudo-ideals.


Main Subjects

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